Facts About PRHA

  • PRHA was founded in January, 1980 under WI state law and incorporated in Wisconsin in 2009.
  • PRHA is located in southwest Madison, our area is just north of Elver Park and McKenna Boulevard. Park Edge Drive and Park Ridge Drive pass thru PRHA’s area and are maintained by the City.
  • PRHA consists of 124 homes, all in duplex structures; all privately owned. The neighborhood is well maintained by property owners and PRHA. The area is very safe and quiet.
  • Our community is one of the most culturally-diverse in all of Madison. All are welcome here!
  • PRHA owns eight courts (cul-de-sacs), both the paved streets and property in the center of the courts.
  • PRHA is responsible for maintenance of the courts, including snow plowing on our properties, most courts have PRHA-provided security lighting. City of Madison storm water runoff and urban forestry charges are paid by PRHA. Property owners pay their own utilities and insurance.
  • Homeowners and/or tenants are responsible for the maintenance of their individual properties in accordance with City of Madison Code and PRHA restrictive covenants(SEE DOCUMENTS). ALL commercial businesses except home offices are prohibited. Only two “domestic animals” are permitted in any home. (SEE COVENANTS & RULES).
  • PRHA operations are funded by annual assessments to homeowners, billed in the fall covering the fiscal year from August 1 through July 31 of the following year. State law allows PRHA to charge late fees and interest on assessments not paid by the published due date. Unpaid dues are subject to a late fee and interest. Long overdue accounts may be subject to a lien against the property. In 2020,PRHA was the first HOA in Madison to establish a no penalty “time payment plan” to assist homeowners in fulfilling their dues payment.
  • PRHA is governed by three person Board of Directors, consisting of President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
  • Ad hoc committees may be formed by the President and may include other property owners to deal with individual issues or projects.
  • An annual meeting is usually held in the fall of each year to elect officers, approve annual budgets and address other issues as appropriate. {No meeting was held in 2020 to 2022 due to COVID and other restrictions). Voting at annual meetings is limited to property owners in good standing.
  • PRHA does not invoke “right of first refusal” on any property sales. We do require payment of a small property transfer fee, payable at closing and split evenly between buyer and seller.
  • PRHA may fine property owners for violations of our restrictive covenants or City of Madison code.