
Excerpts from Article VIl of BYLAWS (page 4)

The principal officers of the Association shall be a president, secretary and treasurer. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting. Officers shall receive no compensation for their services.

The President

shall be the chief executive officer of the association. He shall preside at all meetings of the association. and shall have the general powers and duties which are usually vested in the office of president of an association.

The Secretary

shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the association. and shall perform all the duties incident to the office

The Treasurer

under the direction of the president, shall have responsibility for association funds. and shall be responsible for keeping full and accurate financial records.

Current President

Forrest Van Schwartz, elected president in late 2019. He is a career railroader and served in several executive positions in that industry. He is currently CEO & Managing Director of an international transportation consulting firm. Forrest has lived in Park Ridge for about 21 years and is well known and respected by Madison city officials.

Current Treasurer

Sara Kosar, who was elected secretary in 2020. She also assumed the role of treasurer when the former treasurer, Mike Charlton, moved out of the area. Sara is a human resources manager for a Beloit heavy equipment manufacturer. Sara, and her husband Ben, has lived in Park Ridge for about 10 years.

New Secretary

The Board will nominate an endorsed candidate at the annual meeting.