Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions

Our neighborhood has a number of covenants legally binding on all properties in our area. There are several iterations of these rules dating back to 1980 covering different addresses as the association grew. We have included one set of documents under the Documents tab.

  • Only two (2) domestic animals may be had in any residential unit and must be housed in the principal structure. Commercial animal boarding or kenneling is expressly prohibited.
  • No business of any type may be housed in a residential dwelling, home offices are permitted.
  • Accessory buildings are expressly prohibited, except when approved by Board of Directors.
  • A large sign on courts with a parking area govern parking and prohibited activities.
  • No fences over three feet in height are permitted unless approved by the Board.
  • Parking of service vehicles owned or operated by residents is prohibited unless kept in a garage. Storage of boats, travel trailers, mobile homes, campers, etc. is prohibited unless kept inside garages.
  • Residences are also governed by City of Madison ordinances. A copy of our Violation Notice on the following page lists 18 of the most common violations. All owners and tenants should review the Violations document to be sure they are in total compliance therewith.